must. read.

This has been all over blogland lately, but it bears repeating. And believing. It could not be more appropriate for me right now, with a job change that has allowed me to work from home and pursue my interior design career full steam ahead and with no excuses. And a trip to Italy on the horizon. Life is good, and short, and beautiful! And I'm ready to live the heck out of it.

From holstee.

6 comments said...

I love the inspiration, not just from the "poster" but from your own words. We must live the heck out of our lives, no matter what's going on. And Italy? True love for that country! :) Thanks, too, for your comment on my blog.

Erica @ Decorica said...

Right on!

René said...

Perfect! Thanks for sharing because I had never seen this. So true.


Fran said...

Casey, how awesome!! I want to hear more about you quitting your job to pursue your design business - what courage!! That is so awesome. I too would love to quit my part-time job and take more time to study interior of these days. In the meantime, I will continually remind myself of this quote!!

Joanna said...

These words seem so obvious, yet you are SOOO right-- they bear repeating. I definitely needed to be reminded of a number of these things. Great things come from small inspiration. Congrats to you and your new opportuinty; sounds like you are ready to pursue it with gusto! We should get together for our B-Days......

casey at loft and cottage said...

Thanks, everyone, for your words of encouragement and congrats! Starting out is a bit scary but I'm also really pysched for what's ahead. Joanna, I will take a rain check for our birthday get together because I'll be in Italy. But I'd definitely love to catch up and celebrate!