what to do in 2011

So it's the traditional time to put together some big plans for what we all want to accomplish in the year ahead. I like to avoid the typical new year's resolutions (eat healthy, exercise more) because they're so easily breakable and so obvious—even though I secretly still have them on my list! But there are bigger goals—design-related of course!—that I am resolving to make happen this year.

take more design risks

when it's a gesture big or small, do at least one unexpected thing in every room; be daring and bold and surprising

explore my creativity

i think creativity goes hand in hand with being daring in design; it's creative to think outside the box but it takes courage to execute that creativity

learn something new

is it true that we are happiest when we are learning? or creating? this past year i painted cabinets, made curtains, and started this blog—all new and rewarding endeavors for me. i'm sure this year has much more in store, like knitting, photography, tiling, stenciling. the list is large! i still get excited to do things i've never done before.

develop my business

i've been lucky this past year to get to design all kinds of spaces for some really wonderful clients. it's what i love doing and i want to spend more of my time doing it. i want to expand both my clients and the kind of work i do. if you're in the boston area, contact me and let's meet and work together! if you're not, email meand we can do a design long-distance. i look forward to working with you to create a home you will love!

so do any of you have resolutions? do these goals ring true for you too?


Carol@6WilsonBlog.com said...

Oh, my list is long, Casey. This is a year for changes, good ones!!

Leigh said...

That knitting picture is GORGEOUS and those needles are HUGE! :)

René said...

You have it all figured out Casey and I believe you are going to have a great year!!!

And yes, Leigh is right, those are huge knitting needles.


Beth said...

I love your take on resolutions!! Diet and exercise are secretly on my list too ... but you're so right about there being other things to focus on. I'm going to add "explore my creativity" to my list, too!

Kate said...

Love your goals Casey! Exploring my creativity is definitely on my list too.....baking, cooking, writing, crafting, decorating, designing, planning, dreaming.....and I love sharing these things with my kids - they always seem to inspire me to create and make time for beauty. NOW, if I can do all this while being present, mindful and in the moment...then that will be something :)

Fran said...

Your goals are great Casey and I have no doubt that you'll accomplish them. I like your goal about 'creativity and learning' I'd like to take some design classes, etc. Looking forward to seeing how 2011 unfolds!! Cheers!