a blog friend's birthday brunch

Did you all have a wonderful weekend? I spent yesterday in CT, as I was lucky enough to be invited to a surprise party for dear Fran of Green Street. Her husband is seriously SO sweet and just awesome: he spent weeks finding just the right spot on the waterfront for a lovely brunch party (too bad we got washed out, but the scenery was still amazing!), then did all the work of inviting and keeping in touch and pulling off an awesome surprise for Fran.

ok, what is going on with my hair? no matter, we all had fun on such a happy occasion!

Fran's husband also totally designed and printed the invites himself. Hello?! Very impressed with his skills and taste!

Side note: I was the only blogger friend there among friends from college and childhood and other parts of Fran's life. I definitely got some strange looks when I told people that's how I knew Fran. Oh, those nonbloggers just don't get it!


René said...

Ha! When this picture popped into my facebook, I thought to myself, I know these two ladies. Isn't it funny how blogs make us feel like close friends? You're right, the non-bloggers just don't get it. It's so nice to see you both together and how sweet of Fran's husband.

Holly Gruszka said...

How fun! So fun to see other bloggers get together. I love your dress too!

Ashley said...

Oh this is so fun! Glad you and Fran had a wonderful time, Casey!

I have loved the amazing people I've met through blogging, even if we never "meet" in person.

The Vintique Object said...

Aww, that's awfully nice. I'm so impressed with Fran's husband!

Fran said...

Casey, I'm so happy you made it (and with Michael). I really enjoyed seeing you there and catching up!! It was really special - thank you for making the trip!! I hope the pizza was yummy!! :)

Lori @ Lori May Interiors said...

What a wonderful time! You're right, my non-blogger friends really don't get it!
Take care,