our ceilings & floors

Did you notice in my kitchen project list yesterday that I completely ignored installing the new ceiling and floor? Yeah, that's probably because I know they're going to be pretty tough jobs. And our biggest expenses. Potentially.

beautiful dark wood floors in the kitchen: this is the look we're after

I had decided on the Knob Hill Birch from Lumber Liquidators, but then I saw what Dana at House*Tweaking is doing in her home-in-progress. Have you seen the work they're doing? It's going to be incredible. But back to floors. The floors they found are very similar to what I chose, and they're almost half the price. Hello Jasper Texas Brown. You will be mine, for about $2.50/sq ft!

Now I'm hoping this savings means I can do what I dream of on the ceilings: Elmwood Reclaimed Timber's antique barnboard paneling. Oh dear. It's lovely and it is expensive. So maybe not after all.

So it may in the end be something like this, which is actually just fine.

I have to keep reminding myself, it's just a house, and it's just our house for a few more years, not our forever house. So this is good. A new kitchen in any form is good. Stay tuned for what we decide; it's really time to start ordering stuff soon! And to update the project list ;-)


rebecca said...

dark floors are such a beautiful stand out.

The Vintique Object said...

Beadboard ceilings rock! I would give my left arm to be able to have a beadboard ceiling. Especially in the kitchen.

Shannon @ Project Shannon said...

I love the look of dark floors and would love to put something similar in my kitchen! But we have "regular" Pine (?) oak (?) floors throughout our first floor, with nothing but the poly coat. How do you feel about a kitchen with totally different wood floors than the rest of the house?