pinning heaven

As my pins have grown, I've started to notice my Pinterest boards weren't as specific as they needed to be, and pictures weren't always in the right places. I spent some time this weekend organizing everything, and since I love organizing and streamlining just about anything, this process made me very happy. Seriously, it's almost embarrassing how satisfying it was cleaning everything up!

I still have some categories to complete, but it's getting there, and it's so much better now that I can find where I put things. As in, I know I've loved this image and I'm SURE I've already pinned it. Or, remember that room with the sofa and the pink chair and the client would love that, if I could find it.

And I scanned a few more images I'd torn from magazines to add to my Pinterest collection.

I'm also always looking for more great people to follow. Let me know who you are on Pinterest if I'm not already following you!


Pine Tree Home said...

Love the last kitchen shot. How great are those big baskets? I wonder what I would actually put in them, but they look awesome nevertheless.

Ashley said...

To echo Pine Tree Home, I too am loving the last image--that neutral sofa is anything but boring in that space. Off to pin it myself!

Samantha said...

I so need to clean up my Pinterest.

pam {simple details} said...

I never thought about scanning my magazine photos, good idea!

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

I need to do just what you did with your boards. Pinterest is already so time consuming though I'm not sure when that's actually going to happen. Hope you can stop by soon and offer your opinion!

Jennifer @ Dimples and Tangles said...

Recently I've been thinking I need to do the same thing. Too many pins...too few categories!

The Vintique Object said...

Ok, I have to look at your boards to see how you categorized them because I'm having the same issue of not being able to find things!

Love that you are scanning images too. I think the one of the mom chopping stuff while the kids zone out in front of her is HILARIOUS! It's like putting an extra lock on a door that already has three.

Holly Gruszka said...

I just need to alphabetize my boards - is there an easy way to do that? It seemed like I would have to do a lot of moving around. I loved that last image as well.

Laura@Elegant Nest said...

Love all of your boards. You can follow me on Pinterest under my name...Laura Garcia and my blog
Happy Pinning!!

Karen said...

I think we must be kindred spirits! I am usually embarrassed to profess how satisfying "organizing" is to me! :-)
I need to clean house on my pinterest boards. How do you change the title of a board you've already named?
Great images.

Sharon North said...

i had to organise my boards a while back. So satisfying. You can have a look at me under my name or via my blog.

Karen - open up your board, click edit and then the title box will come up. just overtype and it's done.

Unknown said...

I absolutely love Pinterest! My boards have become more detailed specific than I thought they would be and I still feel like I need to edit!

My Little Bungalow said...

Casey, I just checked out your boards very quickly and have followed you -- we have very much the same taste and I loved much of what I saw. I'll have to take more time to explore over the weekend. Pinterest is so addictive!

Carrie @ Hazardous Design said...

I so need to do this. When I started pinning, I had no idea how much I'd end up relying on it. I dump everything I pin into just a couple of categories. It is a mess! sure to follow me if you aren't already :)

Kathysue said...

Pinterest seems to be the topic of conversation the last couple of days on many blogs. I am a new follower of your blog and your boards. I have a post on my blog today about Pinterest. Here is the link to my boards, not sure if you follow me or not.....

jillian {Her Split Ends} said...

I just recently did the same thing...and you are so right...its weird how satisfying it is!!

~ Jillian