happiness is...yellow

On a rainy Monday, dreaming of spring, what could be better than a little (or a lot of) yellow to boost your mood? Before the yellow's popping up in daffodils and tulips or shining down from the sky, you might as well bring it indoors. It'll do you good. It is happiness.

This is the photo that got me going. Pretty, patterned, colorful? It must be Kate Spade.

A softer side of yellow in another gorgeous room from Sarah Richardson.

Pretty looks-like-paint wallcovering by Casart Coverings.


casart said...

Many thanks for including our yellow Casart colorwash that Mary Douglas Drysdale used for her photo shoot. I guess we fooled you though, it's not paint! The colorwash finish was originally hand painted and then reproduced as a removable and reusable wallcovering that can be customized to any color, as was this example.

So nice to see other bright and cheerful, yellow rooms as well.

casey at loft and cottage said...

Thanks for the correction! It is beautiful as a wallcovering--nice to know anyone could achieve this effect with your products, not just those with supreme painting skills ;-)

My Dog-Eared Pages said...

Lovely post!! I wore a yellow floor-length silk skirt when I got married. It's one of my favorite colors... and it can be so great in interiors. Wonderful examples. Love!

Naturally Carol said...

Yellow is a fab colour, not only does it play beautifully by itself but it also makes other colours shine eg grey and yellow, blue and yellow, etc. The only colour I am personally not fussed about with yellow is dark brown, maybe that's just because I lived through the seventies with lots of Mission Brown and have grown tired of it.