It never fails: as soon I finish a project I immediately find another one I'm dying to start. How much do I love seeing stairs that have received some special decorating attention?
These are vinyl decals of French numbers. J'adore! You can buy them here. They're stickers, so they're easy to apply, and easy to remove or move when you get tired of them.
How about wallpaper? This seems like a fairly simple project. A bit time-consuming, but straightforward, and what an impact it will have when you're done. Get the how-to here. A set of stairs can be a boring, empty, forgotten part of the house. Why not decorate here as you would in any other room?

via door sixteen
Another wallpapered look. So chic.
cottage living
I think these are stencils designed to look like tiles; whatever they are, they add gorgeous pattern and color.
via slumber designs
Another design along the lines of the French numbers. Very sweet.
A painted runner is a classic. Stripes are fun too. What would you do?
I absolutely love this idea. I remember seeing Sarah Richardson doing something similar. SOmething so simple but really adds a punch.
SO beautiful. I cannot wait to that to my home {when I have one}!
Such a creative idea, Casey! Are you seriously going to do this? I love the painted runner and if I was daring enough, I'd try the touch of wallpaper!
Yes, I think I will do one of these but I'm not sure I know which one! My stairs definitely need repainting and then from there a little designing. And I have a LOT of stairs...
I would love to do something like this to hide the scuff marks. The stairs are the first thing you see when you enter our home and I tend to zero in on the scuffs. Love that second image complete with wainscoting.
i'm going to refinish our stairs. who knows when, but it's on my list! these are GREAT ideas. thanks for the post!
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