my potting bench

A few months ago, my parents visited and dropped off the potting bench my dad made for me. How awesome is he? Well, it's finally been getting a lot of use, now that I've got it set up against the back of the house in the perfect spot and filled with all the things I need and want close at hand when I'm gardening.

There's plenty of room for soil, sprays, and my watering cans underneath, and on top I've got some pots and a few plants ready to go. I installed some hooks on the side to hang hand tools like my trowel and cultivator. Now everything's right where I need it, and as a bonus it looks so cheery in this formerly empty space. Thanks again, Dad! I'll be spending lots of time here and over the weekend, and I could not be happier about it!

P.S. Another awesome part of this gift is a small plaque my dad had made to put on the bench that reads "From my hands to your hands. Love, Dad 2011." I love that this thought will live with this piece as long as I have it, and hopefully, even longer...


Comeca Jones said...

It's the sweetest

René said...

Oh my gosh, this made me a little misty. How sweet. Your bench is beautiful!

Holly Gruszka said...

That is really special and something you'll have for years. It would be great to have a little potting station like this, but my garage will have to suffice for now. Enjoy your bench. I'm a newer reader to your blog.

My Many Moments said...

How Sweet! It is just perfect. You will enjoy it this Summer and many to come!

Jesse said...

That is so sweet!

I created an indoor window box in my kitchen over the weekend - I now have herbs (and peppers) growing right where I need them most. When it was done and all spruced up it reminded me of your blog.

Ispirato Design said...

I'm getting all choked up-best gifts in life- those made by hand by someone we love! It really is charming!

Sarah said...

Wow! Your dad is the man, that is so special!! I mean, he could have stopped at building it and it would have been awesome, but the personalized plaque? So sweet. Have fun planting this weekend. Say hi to Michael for us;)

Fran said...

It's perfect, Casey!! So sweet of your dad to do!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful gift from a very awesome father! Having lost my "gardener" Dad not quite a year ago, this post touched me very deeply. He left his home and gardens to me and we "talk" when I am working in them.

Karen said...

What a guy to do something so thoughtful for you.

Anonymous said...

SO sweet of your dad! And what a great looking potting bench! Love.