one year

Hard to believe our baby girl is one year old this week! 

Years ago, I wouldn't have dared tempt fate and imagine life with her. Now I can't imagine life without her.

What a year it's been. Thank you, sweetie, for the smiles, the hugs, the laughs, the love. Mommy loves you more than you know.


Something Nice and Pretty said...

She is adorable♥

My Little Bungalow said...

Wow, your little one is a year old already! Where does the time go? She's precious. Enjoy every minute with her.

Julia said...

She is darling! Happy "1st" Birthday!

René said...

What a sweet tribute! She is a doll!

The Vintique Object said...

A year?!! How time flies! You must be such a proud Mama. Happy belated, Little One.